Restrictions on the Burn Permit

Firewise Burn Regulation
39-14-305. Leaving fire near woodland unattended. (a) It is unlawful for any person who originates or uses an open fire to leave such a fire unattended without totally extinguishing the same within one hundred fifty feet (150') of forest or woodlands or within one hundred fifty feet (150') of other inflammable material, the setting fire to which inflammable material would naturally and proximately result in such a fire being conveyed to forest or woodlands. (b) A violation of this section is a Class B misdemeanor. 4
Firewise Landscaping Guides
Our community is located in a heavily forested rural area of Cumberland County, with fire protection provided by the Cumberland County Volunteer Fire Department. In 2006, our board opted to become part of the Department of Forestry program called Firewise. As a member of this program, we chose to accept their building and landscaping recommendations, which will help mitigate fire activity in our community. Also, as a member, we benefit from their valuable assistance with the mitigation of a forest fire. In the event of a forest fire, the Cumberland County Volunteer Fire Department will utilize its training in fighting structure fires in our community, and forestry personnel will use their training to control and extinguish the surrounding forest fire. Also, as an added benefit, forestry has assisted us in the addition of several "Dry Hydrants" in the event of fire and also procured some equipment for our community to use as we help maintain our homes and community in the mitigation of fire threats. The main goal of the Firewise Program is to "harden" our homes and property against fire. In no way are we required to assist in fighting fires, but our task is to help maintain our property so as to mitigate the onset of surrounding fire.
Click below to view plant and shrub flammability guides.
Firewise Map